Can you wash cashmere blanket


Cashmere blankets are not only luxurious and soft but also delicate and require special care to maintain their quality and longevity. Many people are unsure whether it is safe to wash cashmere blankets at home or if they need to be dry cleaned. In this article, we will explore the process of washing a cashmere blanket and provide useful tips to keep it in pristine condition. You will learn about the appropriate washing techniques, drying methods, and how to store your cashmere blanket properly.

1. The Importance of Caring for Cashmere Blankets:

Cashmere is a natural fiber derived from the soft undercoat of cashmere goats. Due to its high quality and rarity, cashmere is relatively expensive compared to other materials. As a result, owning a cashmere blanket is considered a luxury investment. To protect your investment, it is imperative to understand the proper care and maintenance of these blankets.

2. Understanding the Washing Requirements for Cashmere:

Contrary to popular belief, cashmere blankets can be safely washed at home if certain precautions are taken. First and foremost, always check the care label attached to the blanket. Most cashmere blankets can be hand-washed, but some may require dry cleaning. The care label will provide specific instructions tailored to your blanket's unique composition.

3. Hand-Washing Cashmere Blankets:

If your cashmere blanket can be hand-washed, follow these steps for a successful cleaning process. Start by filling a clean basin or sink with lukewarm water and add a mild detergent specifically formulated for delicate fabrics. Swirl the water gently to ensure the detergent dissolves evenly.

4. Gently Cleaning the Cashmere:

Immerse the blanket in the soapy water and carefully agitate it to encourage the detergent to penetrate the fibers. Avoid rubbing, twisting, or pulling the blanket excessively, as this can cause it to stretch or lose its shape. Instead, use a gentle squeezing motion to remove any dirt or stains. Pay extra attention to any soiled areas and repeat the process if necessary.

5. Rinsing and Deodorizing:

Once the blanket is clean, drain the soapy water and refill the basin with fresh, lukewarm water. Gently agitate the blanket in the clean water to remove any remaining detergent. Continue rinsing until the water runs clear, ensuring that no soap residue is left behind. For a pleasant scent, you may add a small amount of fabric conditioner to the final rinse.

6. Squeezing Out Excess Water:

When it comes to drying cashmere, it is important to remember that the material is extremely delicate and can lose its shape easily. Start by carefully lifting the blanket from the basin, taking care not to stretch it. Press the blanket against the side of the basin or gently squeeze it to remove excess water without wringing or twisting.

7. Avoiding the Wringing and Twisting Process:

Wringing or twisting a cashmere blanket to remove water is a common mistake that can damage the delicate fibers. Excessive force can cause the blanket to lose its shape or even tear. Instead, lay the blanket flat on a clean, dry towel and roll it up carefully. Gently apply pressure to the rolled towel to soak up the excess moisture without distorting the blanket's original form.

8. Drying the Cashmere Blanket:

After removing the excess water, transfer the blanket onto a flat and clean surface, such as a drying rack or another clean towel. Avoid hanging the blanket as it can stretch and deform under its own weight. Allow it to air dry naturally away from direct sunlight, heat sources, or strong airflow. Turn the blanket over occasionally during the drying process to ensure both sides dry evenly.

9. Preventing Moths and Pests:

Cashmere is known for its warmth and softness, making it an attractive material to moths and other pests. To protect your cashmere blanket, store it in a sealed plastic bag or an airtight container. Adding natural moth repellents such as cedar blocks or lavender sachets can help deter these pests. Avoid using mothballs, as they can leave a strong odor that is difficult to remove.

10. Storing Your Cashmere Blanket:

When not in use, fold your cashmere blanket neatly to prevent creasing. Avoid hanging it, as this can cause the fibers to stretch and weaken over time. Place the folded blanket in a cool and dry area, away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures. Proper storage will help maintain the cashmere's original softness and shape for years to come.

In conclusion, washing a cashmere blanket at home is possible if done correctly. Always refer to the care label and determine whether hand-washing or dry cleaning is recommended. Hand-washing cashmere blankets requires patience, gentle handling, and the use of mild detergent. Proper drying and storage techniques are vital to maintain the blanket's quality, so it can be enjoyed for many cozy evenings to come.


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